Sufism and Politics as Viewed by the Path of Justice and Benevolence

Document Type : Original Article


MA in Mysticism


What Sufism conjures up in the eastern part of the Muslim World is a mystical practice engaged by those who are concerned with spiritual experience, abstaining from the world and society in order to refine their soul; but the same term denotes something different in the western part of the Islamic World, that is North Africa. This term is associated with Jihad (Holy War), clash and getting involved in political and social affairs. One of the significant and active Paths in contemporary Morocco is the Path of Justice and Benevolence. The distinguishing characteristic of this Path is the combination of two apparently incompatible phenomena, that is, Sufism and Politics. Inspired by Sufi teachings, the Path of Justice and Benevolence has founded a political movement which is presently regarded as one of the most important Islamic political groups in Morocco. In order to know this Islamist Sufi movement better, first the author gives a short account of the way in which Sufism enters the Islamic western realm, especially Morocco. Having considered the Path of Budshishieh, the author then goes through the thoughts of the Sheikh of the Path of Justice and Benevolence; finally the paper deals with the Sufi teachings of this Path, which is hardly separable from its social ones.


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