Perfect Man According to Ibn Arabi

Document Type : Original Article


Doctorate in Islamic Philosophy and Wisdom


Due to the appearance of intellectual systems among Muslims, different interpretations, which can be categorized in different disciplines, were given of beliefs, especially those of man and human perfectness. The term "perfect man" was first coined by Ibn Arabi. He interpreted this teaching in a way that the theory of perfect man could be derived from it. Ibn Arabi's worldview is based upon two principles: The Glorified Truth and perfect man.  This theory in turn has also had a key role in shedding light upon different aspects of other teachings like guardianship (Vilayah) in mysticism. It will be considered that in many cases "perfect man" has been defined more exactly. This article is concerned to examine the theory of Perfect Man from the viewpoint of Ibn Arabi, and consider the necessity of his presence at all times. By combining different mystical and Hadith views in an innovative way, and by presenting the theoretical mysticism as a base system for exegesis, Ibn Arabi managed to apply various mystical concepts and explain the necessity of the perfect man. The in-depth knowledge of perfect man from the viewpoint of Ibn Arabi involves the knowledge of its relationship with other systematic elements of his theoretical issues.


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